סימפוזיון: Rutgers and Tel Aviv Universities Joint Scientific Symposia Series: Ancient and Modern Identities in Yemen

22 בפברואר 2021, 16:00 
ללא תשלום
סימפוזיון: Rutgers and Tel Aviv Universities Joint Scientific Symposia Series: Ancient and Modern Identities in Yemen



Join leading experts from Rutgers and Tel Aviv Universities in the upcoming research symposium examining the past, present and potential future of Yemen.



Rutgers University speaker: Gary A. Rendsburg, PhD - The Ancient Jewish Kingdom of Himyar (Yemen)



Tel Aviv University Speaker: Uzi Rabi, PhD - The Identity Crisis in the Middle East - Pre-State Identities vs. Modern Ones



Presentations will be followed by a Q&A session moderated by Jose Miguel Roman, Vice President, Research Administration, Rutgers University.


Event time: 9:00 a.m. EST / 16:00 p.m. IST


Further information> 


For Registration>





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