"לקרוא סימפטום"- כנס בינלאומי
"לקרוא סימפטום"- בספרות ובפסיכואנליטיקה
Reading a Symptom: Literary and Psychoanalytical
Perspectives in preparation forThe Xth NLS Congress: Reading a symptom
Prof. Shirley Sharon-Zisser
Head, English and American Studies Department, University, NLS, AMP, Lacanian Network
Rhetoric and the Symptom
Prof. Shirley Sharon-Zisser
True or Real
Ms. Susana Huler
ELP, AMP, Lacanian Network
James Joyce: de la Suppléance au Sinthome
Prof. Ginette Michaux
Ecole de la Cause Freudienne
Reading for the Written Symptom - the Rhetoric Of Repression in Congreve's The Double Deale
Dr. Zafra Dan
English and American Studies Department