יום עיון: תקשורת בנסיבות קולוניאליות
הפקולטה למדעי הרוח ע"ש לסטר וסאלי אנטין - ביה"ס להיסטוריה
Media and Communication in Colonial Settings
First Session
Chair: Tamar Ashuri, Tel Aviv University
Greetings: Billie Melman, Tel Aviv University
Chandrika Kaul, St Andrews University
Communications and Empire: Britain and India in the
20th century
Ami Ayalon, Tel Aviv University
Colonial tactics, local hurdles: obstacles to British press
policies in the Middle East
Rafi Mann, Tel Aviv University
Divided but united: the Jewish press vs. the British
Mandate authorities in Palestine
Second Session
Chair: Miriam Eliav-Feldon, Tel Aviv University
Ruth Ginio, Ben-Gurion University in the Negev
Radio and cinema as tools of propaganda in French West
Africa: from Vichy to the years of decolonization
Annick Lacroix, Institute for Political Social Sciences, ENS Cachan
Taking control of a colonized territory and answering
settlement needs: the postal and telecommunication network in Algeria - 1870-1900
Jerome Bourdon, Tel Aviv University
Public service broadcasting facing a colonial war: the case of
RTF (Radio Télévision Française) and the Algerian War