אמנות, תרבות וחברה בעידן הפוסט קורונה
Dean's International lecture series
As the coronavirus pandemic grinds on, the role of the arts and culture as social instigators, sites of debates and modes of reflection is once again at stake.
How should the arts relate to current conditions, and what role should they play in the global and local arenas? While uncertainty abounds, it looks like the virus will be with us for the foreseeable future, transforming society and culture in ways we cannot predict. How, then, should art and culture prepare for the post-pandemic era?
Art, Culture and Society in the (post)-Coronavirus age presents a series of themed conversations between leading international scholars and staff members from the Yolanda and David Katz Faculty of the Arts.
Performance and Museums
Dr. Tamar Mayer, Museology and Curatorial Studies, in conversation with
Prof. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Polin Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
A Zoom invitation and password will be distributed via email and social media before each conversation.